Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trying My Hand At Sewing!

Recently I have taken up the love of sewing. I have always "wished" I knew how, wanted to make certain thing, but never took the time to step up to the plate and LEARN! I have my grandmother's sewing machine and thankfully I have a wonderful friend who knows how to sew.  So we took a day to just hang out and taught me just what I needed to know! 

Since that day, I have gotten familiar with my machine and tried my hand at the sewing gig! Here are 2 burp cloths that I have done and might I add that I am not a fan of Rick Rack...Boo!! I am so excited  that I have taken on this new hobby!  I cant wait to explore more and create new projects.....I have a few already in mind!!


Lisa Eddlemon said...

Hopefully we can get together again next week for another sew day!

Audra Laney said...

Very cute, Brandy! Great job!!

Brandy said...

Thanks Audra, Im really enjoying it.
Lisa, Im ready whenevern you are!

Brandy said...
